Northwest Model UN-Seattle, Nov 2015
Northwest MUN-Portland, Feb 2016
Western Model UN, Santa Barbara, March 2016
Model UN of the Far West, Burlingame, April 2016

We had a great year! In Seattle, we had two students win paper awards, Nick Gomez and Hannah Senninger. In Santa Barbara, on the Security Council, Allie Pino won Most Diplomatic Delegate and Karina Casarez won Honorable Mention. On ECOSOC, Daniel Aspinwall won Best Speaker, Sebastian Navarro won Outstanding Delegate, and Joseph Gahbrielson won Honorable Mention. In the General Assembly First Committee, Maria Barrios won Outstanding Delegate. In the UNHCR, Shanel Philippe won Outstanding Delegate. In addition, alumni Sara Sanders was Secretary General and Kristina Cervi was Security Council Chair. Current team member Kimberly Fuentes was UNHCR Chair. At Northwest Model UN in Portland in February, Karina Casarez, Kimberly Fuentes, and Allie Pino were our award winners.

Also, in Burlingame, the conference doesn't give individual awards but instead recognizes delegations (countries) for how the delegates do with their papers, negotiations, and speaking. All 3 of our countries won this Diplomacy Award.

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